miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

My experience in English courses...

My experience in English has been very bad for me, because I haven’t learned more about English in university courses. I don’t like English, and I always was highlighted negatively in english for teachers in school and this also happened in this university. I think that English Program in this university have many problems, because the learning of students in English don’t improvement with all semesters of study. I was been in four courses of english in this university, and I repeated one course, then I have made five english courses, of four, but my bad level in english has been maintained over time.

When I entered at university, I made a diagnostic English test, because then I could see the level of English and of course, I stayed at the grassroots level. The first English courses I had in college were not bad. The first teacher I had was good and comprehensive, although I was at a disadvantage with students of different carrers, she was kind and patient with me. I did the second and third year of English at the university with a very strict teacher, she at first caused me fear, but after she was more sympathetic, she realized that our level of English was not good and that, moreover, would be very difficult for her to change that situation.

My worst experience was in the third and fourth year of English, because the "Miss" indicated neativamente to a group of students, including me, because we could not speak English. She said that we wouldn't pass the course, and just this happened, many people in my course couldn't pass the english four, because he could not speak English.With this teacher was very uncomfortable to go to class, then I had more afraid of English classes, so far ... But, Today, my experience is different, the teacher is nice and really pacient. Now I managed to lose a little fear into English, but my skills for this language are still lousy.

In conclusion, the university has not improved my learning of English, while teachers make us speak, write and listen to the language, I've been a very bad student in English, and this discourages me. The English classes have been torture for me. The expectations of the university are so high that for us seem unreachable. And, in general, the English courses in university were not appropiate for me profesional formation.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

an unforgettable surprise...

One memorable event in my life was in the last year, when I went to see to the concert of Gustavo Cerati in Chile. He come to Chile in his tour “Fueza natural”, in this tour he was singing in all Latin america and this was his last presentation in Chile, before he fell seriously ill.

I saw him in this concert for first and last time, because I never went to see him before… I went to this concert because my boyfriend gave me a ticket and he gave me a great surprise , then we went together to the concert. The concert was canceled one time, because Gustavo Cerati wasn’t in good health, then, He apologized to his public on television. Later, the concert was make two days after, in Movistar Arena. This was very exciting for me, I was very near to Cerati, in the first line, a very few metres to distance to him...

This has been one of the most memorable for me because I might never see again to Gustavo Cerati in person, much less now that he's really sick. This was a very nice gift, perhaps the most beautiful gift given to me... I always remember this...