miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The metamorphosis

The metamorphosis was written for Franz Kafka , and this book was publish in 1915. This story is about the transformation of one man, his name is Gregorio Samsa. Gregorio Samsa is a merchant, and he support for his family, but one day he suffer a unexpected and very strange incident. His body change and he is suddenly one indescribable creature. This book made a great impression on me, because I can feel, by means of Kafka, the sad feeling of Gregorio Samsa. His family feel repugnance for Gregorio, and also embarrassment… this was very impressive for me.

I remember other book more terrible that the metamorphosis, This is a book about the sexual abuse cons a daughter, its title is “Agua fresca en los espejos”, but I can’t read this book right to the end, because this book wasn’t pleasant for me. The metamorphosis is a good and different book, I recommend this story for all persons, because this tale produce profound thoughts about the life, the change, the family and about environment in general. This is my opinion, but I know touchy people, and they don’t like the metamorphisis, because they had bad feeling with this book.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Pollution and environmental care...

I’m not green, but I would be, because I feel bad for global abuse to the environment. You can learn to care for the environment in many places; for example: on the internet, at school, in television programs... If you want to know, You can find enought information. However, I think the most important is the example of friends, teachers and especially the familiar example.

I recycle some things, for example, I separate the glass, tetrapack boxes, and cans in different bags. Also, I leave the betteries and old cell phones in a special container. You can find these special containers in local shops, supermarkets and also in some universities. Only I and my sister recycle at home. Then, it’s difficult for us, because we can’t control the garbage of everyone in the house.

I love the bike, and I love to use in Santiago, but I live very far from the university, then I can’t travel on it everyday. I only use the bike in places near my house. I also like walking, because I was so relaxed. Walking is good for your health and I like that very much. You can save a lot, because so You don’t spend money on public transport; the best thing is that when you walk, you aren’t polluting the environment!

I haven´t linked to any environmental organization, because it has been presented also the chance. I like the work these organizations; however, people who join agree quite well with this, I really need that commitment. I don’t work with them for this reason. We need to descongest our city, and we must be responsible for pollution. We give information about the pollution in Santiago and we have to change our bad habits. We have a natural and healthy life for ourselves and for the environment....

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Study links Bedtime rules to better skills in preschool children

The principal information in this report is about the bedtime of childrens; the parents should put rules for their childrens, because a good bedtime help for their development . The study declare that If the childrens “go to bed around the same time every night and sleep at least eleven hours. Getting less than that was linked to lower abilities in language, reading and early math skills.”

In this investigation in California considered more of eight thousand preschool childrens and their parents was interview by telephone. The policy Erika Gaylor says that parents haves a great duty, because they should make bedtime routines and Reading or telling stories with their childrens.The sleep is also part of the routine of an athlete, because it benefits their performance. Adults should sleep seven or eight hours at night, adolescents and young adults should sleep nine hours or more; they should sleep in the same time every nights, and they should take naps in the day.

This health report was written by Caty Weaver and you can find more information about this report in: voaspecialenglish.com, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in VOA Learning English.