miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The metamorphosis

The metamorphosis was written for Franz Kafka , and this book was publish in 1915. This story is about the transformation of one man, his name is Gregorio Samsa. Gregorio Samsa is a merchant, and he support for his family, but one day he suffer a unexpected and very strange incident. His body change and he is suddenly one indescribable creature. This book made a great impression on me, because I can feel, by means of Kafka, the sad feeling of Gregorio Samsa. His family feel repugnance for Gregorio, and also embarrassment… this was very impressive for me.

I remember other book more terrible that the metamorphosis, This is a book about the sexual abuse cons a daughter, its title is “Agua fresca en los espejos”, but I can’t read this book right to the end, because this book wasn’t pleasant for me. The metamorphosis is a good and different book, I recommend this story for all persons, because this tale produce profound thoughts about the life, the change, the family and about environment in general. This is my opinion, but I know touchy people, and they don’t like the metamorphisis, because they had bad feeling with this book.

1 comentario:

  1. The metamorphosis is a excelent book. I was learning very much in the secondary with the reading of Kafka.
    One kiss Verito!
