miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Pollution and environmental care...

I’m not green, but I would be, because I feel bad for global abuse to the environment. You can learn to care for the environment in many places; for example: on the internet, at school, in television programs... If you want to know, You can find enought information. However, I think the most important is the example of friends, teachers and especially the familiar example.

I recycle some things, for example, I separate the glass, tetrapack boxes, and cans in different bags. Also, I leave the betteries and old cell phones in a special container. You can find these special containers in local shops, supermarkets and also in some universities. Only I and my sister recycle at home. Then, it’s difficult for us, because we can’t control the garbage of everyone in the house.

I love the bike, and I love to use in Santiago, but I live very far from the university, then I can’t travel on it everyday. I only use the bike in places near my house. I also like walking, because I was so relaxed. Walking is good for your health and I like that very much. You can save a lot, because so You don’t spend money on public transport; the best thing is that when you walk, you aren’t polluting the environment!

I haven´t linked to any environmental organization, because it has been presented also the chance. I like the work these organizations; however, people who join agree quite well with this, I really need that commitment. I don’t work with them for this reason. We need to descongest our city, and we must be responsible for pollution. We give information about the pollution in Santiago and we have to change our bad habits. We have a natural and healthy life for ourselves and for the environment....

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