miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

My experience in English courses...

My experience in English has been very bad for me, because I haven’t learned more about English in university courses. I don’t like English, and I always was highlighted negatively in english for teachers in school and this also happened in this university. I think that English Program in this university have many problems, because the learning of students in English don’t improvement with all semesters of study. I was been in four courses of english in this university, and I repeated one course, then I have made five english courses, of four, but my bad level in english has been maintained over time.

When I entered at university, I made a diagnostic English test, because then I could see the level of English and of course, I stayed at the grassroots level. The first English courses I had in college were not bad. The first teacher I had was good and comprehensive, although I was at a disadvantage with students of different carrers, she was kind and patient with me. I did the second and third year of English at the university with a very strict teacher, she at first caused me fear, but after she was more sympathetic, she realized that our level of English was not good and that, moreover, would be very difficult for her to change that situation.

My worst experience was in the third and fourth year of English, because the "Miss" indicated neativamente to a group of students, including me, because we could not speak English. She said that we wouldn't pass the course, and just this happened, many people in my course couldn't pass the english four, because he could not speak English.With this teacher was very uncomfortable to go to class, then I had more afraid of English classes, so far ... But, Today, my experience is different, the teacher is nice and really pacient. Now I managed to lose a little fear into English, but my skills for this language are still lousy.

In conclusion, the university has not improved my learning of English, while teachers make us speak, write and listen to the language, I've been a very bad student in English, and this discourages me. The English classes have been torture for me. The expectations of the university are so high that for us seem unreachable. And, in general, the English courses in university were not appropiate for me profesional formation.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

an unforgettable surprise...

One memorable event in my life was in the last year, when I went to see to the concert of Gustavo Cerati in Chile. He come to Chile in his tour “Fueza natural”, in this tour he was singing in all Latin america and this was his last presentation in Chile, before he fell seriously ill.

I saw him in this concert for first and last time, because I never went to see him before… I went to this concert because my boyfriend gave me a ticket and he gave me a great surprise , then we went together to the concert. The concert was canceled one time, because Gustavo Cerati wasn’t in good health, then, He apologized to his public on television. Later, the concert was make two days after, in Movistar Arena. This was very exciting for me, I was very near to Cerati, in the first line, a very few metres to distance to him...

This has been one of the most memorable for me because I might never see again to Gustavo Cerati in person, much less now that he's really sick. This was a very nice gift, perhaps the most beautiful gift given to me... I always remember this...

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The metamorphosis

The metamorphosis was written for Franz Kafka , and this book was publish in 1915. This story is about the transformation of one man, his name is Gregorio Samsa. Gregorio Samsa is a merchant, and he support for his family, but one day he suffer a unexpected and very strange incident. His body change and he is suddenly one indescribable creature. This book made a great impression on me, because I can feel, by means of Kafka, the sad feeling of Gregorio Samsa. His family feel repugnance for Gregorio, and also embarrassment… this was very impressive for me.

I remember other book more terrible that the metamorphosis, This is a book about the sexual abuse cons a daughter, its title is “Agua fresca en los espejos”, but I can’t read this book right to the end, because this book wasn’t pleasant for me. The metamorphosis is a good and different book, I recommend this story for all persons, because this tale produce profound thoughts about the life, the change, the family and about environment in general. This is my opinion, but I know touchy people, and they don’t like the metamorphisis, because they had bad feeling with this book.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Pollution and environmental care...

I’m not green, but I would be, because I feel bad for global abuse to the environment. You can learn to care for the environment in many places; for example: on the internet, at school, in television programs... If you want to know, You can find enought information. However, I think the most important is the example of friends, teachers and especially the familiar example.

I recycle some things, for example, I separate the glass, tetrapack boxes, and cans in different bags. Also, I leave the betteries and old cell phones in a special container. You can find these special containers in local shops, supermarkets and also in some universities. Only I and my sister recycle at home. Then, it’s difficult for us, because we can’t control the garbage of everyone in the house.

I love the bike, and I love to use in Santiago, but I live very far from the university, then I can’t travel on it everyday. I only use the bike in places near my house. I also like walking, because I was so relaxed. Walking is good for your health and I like that very much. You can save a lot, because so You don’t spend money on public transport; the best thing is that when you walk, you aren’t polluting the environment!

I haven´t linked to any environmental organization, because it has been presented also the chance. I like the work these organizations; however, people who join agree quite well with this, I really need that commitment. I don’t work with them for this reason. We need to descongest our city, and we must be responsible for pollution. We give information about the pollution in Santiago and we have to change our bad habits. We have a natural and healthy life for ourselves and for the environment....

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Study links Bedtime rules to better skills in preschool children

The principal information in this report is about the bedtime of childrens; the parents should put rules for their childrens, because a good bedtime help for their development . The study declare that If the childrens “go to bed around the same time every night and sleep at least eleven hours. Getting less than that was linked to lower abilities in language, reading and early math skills.”

In this investigation in California considered more of eight thousand preschool childrens and their parents was interview by telephone. The policy Erika Gaylor says that parents haves a great duty, because they should make bedtime routines and Reading or telling stories with their childrens.The sleep is also part of the routine of an athlete, because it benefits their performance. Adults should sleep seven or eight hours at night, adolescents and young adults should sleep nine hours or more; they should sleep in the same time every nights, and they should take naps in the day.

This health report was written by Caty Weaver and you can find more information about this report in: voaspecialenglish.com, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in VOA Learning English.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010


I like to see movies very much, and I go to the cinema always. For me is very difficult choose one movie, but If I have to decide only one film, I prefer ”The fabulous fotune of Amélie Poulain”, or simply “Amélie”. This film come from France and It’s one romantic and entertaining comedy… The director of Amélie is Jean-Pierre Jeunet and its leading actress is Audrey Toutou (Amélie Pulain) and its leading actor is Mathieu Kassovitz (Nino Quincampoix).

The plot is about in the life story of Amélie, then she recounts in the movie her dreams, thoughts, tastes, projections and her deep desires. She is a shy and introverted woman, she enjoy with natural things in her life; She fall in love with “Nino”, one modest man; Amelie and Nino was very similars in their styles, and they make a very nice couple...but the problem is her excessive shyness. I can see many places of France in Amélie film, the imagery show romantic and old european streets . I love the Amélie soundtrack, because with this music I can remember the story, places, phrases and scenes of this beautiful film...

This movie had a good critic; and this was seen by many people in the world. Amélie was nominated for several awards. Even, this film was nominated for Oscars, but this didn't win in their categories...

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Places to go in Santiago...

I like the parks and the hills in Santiago, because Santiago is one city with noise and air pollution, then I prefer the quiet and fresh places in this city. These are good places for tourists, and I recommend it, because they can walk with friends, they can be with their boyfriends, and they also can meet chilean people, and they can see very beautifull places in the capital.

My first favourite place is “Forestal Park” in Santiago, because it’s near of Santiago center and I like that!... you can go to Forestal Park in a few minutes, also you can arrive to this park in underground transport , because this park is in “Bellas Artes” station. If you go a walk, you can look for the “Mapocho river” and You can walk for bank of river. The “Forestal Park” have many different events, and you can see many people in this park, they make artistic activities, it’s very entertaining!

My second favourite place is “San cristobal hill”, because it’s also near of Santiago center and it’s very good for me!...This hill is one enourmus and natural place; and in this hill you can make different things, for example, you can go to metropolitan zoo, you can travel by railway and also you can travel by cable car... it's beautiful, because you can see the hill from above... The San Cristobal hill is near of “Italy Square”, The hill is in the end of “Pío Nono” Street.