miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

A country I would like to visit...

I like Chile very much, because this is my country and It’s very pretty, I love Chile!, But I also would like to go  for other countries. Europe have's very different historical places, this continent are very beautiful, and I love European countries for this reason.

The european continent have's many countries with interesting places. Italy is my favourite European country, because Italy have's very differents historical museums with artistic gallerys, paintings and classics sculptures. Italy contain art in all the places; the architectural construction and monuments were made many years ago. This is the native country for  Miguel Angel, Leonardo Da Vinci and Dante, All They were very Important for universal history. The Italian food is very good, my favourite food is lasagna, and If I could travel to Italy, I could eat lasagna all the days, this would be extraordinary for me!

If I could travel, I would go to Italy, because I will learn more about classic history in Rome and Florence. I would like to visit “The Roman Coliseum”; This is the more important historical monument for me, then I would be very happy in this place. I would  take photograph in Italian streets, it would be one splendid journey and experience for me, it is my dream!... The problem is the cost to travel, this is very expensive for my now, because I'm still studing. I would like to study in Italy, because I would like to visit all this country, but I couldn't live in other place, because I will miss to my family and my country so much

1 comentario:

  1. Europe seems to be very interesting.
    The day that we have money, we will together my dear friend.

    = D
